
The Genomics Research and Service Division has active biomarker discovery programs, the latest sequencing technologies, and expertise in all areas of genomics research to support our strategic alliances and our internal product development pipeline. Clients with established genomics and clinical research departments engage Orion scientists to focus on narrow research questions, while organizations interested in internal capacity building partner with Orion Genomics to form and implement a long-term genomics strategic plan.


The Genomics Research and Service Division maintains a dynamic pipeline of projects for the R&D and bioinformatics teams. Our multidisciplinary approach allows Orion Genomics to support research efforts around the globe with technologies and services such as:

  • DNA and cDNA library construction and preparation
  • Next Generation Sequencing and analysis
  • Custom bioinformatics
  • SNP discovery and HRM mapping
  • Epigenetic profiling with our proprietary MethylScreen™ and MethylScope™ technologies
  • Biomarker discovery
  • Assay development and screening
  • Whole genome bisulfite sequencing and analysis
  • sRNA sequencing and analysis
  • Strategic planning and capacity building

In addition to our work with our strategic partners and collaborators, we are actively commercializing the joint discoveries made between Orion Genomics and the Malaysian Palm Oil Board. These discoveries are the foundation of the kits and services sold by our Southeast Asian subsidiary, Orion Biosains.